Curandurías & Curaciones
Arantxa Araujo, Cocoon, 2022 / Performance at the waterfront of Inwood Hill Park / Photo: Nicolás Dumit Estévez Raful
This section consists of a collection of links, reviews, online catalogues and similar publications related to my curations, which I engage as a relational practice, and from the perspective of relationship-building as it pertains to collaboration–and away from ladder climbing strategies. I focus on mature artists whose work continues to challenge the status quo and to defy expectations of what art might be. It is my intention to primarily honor legacies and elder creatives, and then to balance this out with some of the authentic younger voices that are making an inroad into all kinds of creative processes, categorized or otherwise. In addition to the list below, I have organized and curated or co-organized programs for Franklin Furnace, and Queens Museum. It just dawned on me that I have been curating for 43 years.
September 16, 2022 - January 15, 2023
Leslie Lohman Museum of Art, New York, NY
Participating artists: Luis A., Arantxa Araujo, Arthur Avilés, Nao Bustamante, Susana Cook, Anna Costa e Silva and Nina Terra, Jean-Ulrick Désert, Marga Gomez, Félix González Torres, Nadia Granados (La Fulminante), Noelia Quintero and Rita Indiana, Carlos Martiel, Carlos Leppe, Elizabeth “MACHA” Marrero, Iván Monforte, Gigi Otálvaro-Hormillosa, Charles Rice-González, Jesusa Rodríguez and Liliana Felipe, Carmelita Tropicana and Uzi Parnes and Ela Troyano, and Las Yeguas del Apocalipsis
Curated by Nicolás Dumit Estévez Raful Espejo Ovalles
This exhibition is dedicated to the late Marcella Althaus-Reid / Exhibition’s essay dedicated to Alanna Lockward
For exhibitions page click HERE / For exhibition’s essay, click HER / New York Times / Clavo Ardiendo / The Latinx Project
2022 Shared Dialogue Shared Space Part II: THE EARTH IS NO LAND
Inwood Hill Park on Saturday, April 30, 2022, 12-4PM
Korea Art Forum (KAF), New York, NY
Curated by Nicolás Dumit Estévez with artists Arantxa Araujo, Rosamond S. King, LuLu LoLo, and Priscilla Marrero.
For event page click HERE / For program’s publication click HERE
We were Never Human
June 3rd, 22, 2022
BAAD! Bronx Academy of Arts and Dance
Participating artists: Dimple B Shah / Daniela Beltrani / José Carlos Casado / Fantasía Collage (Aurora Duque de la Torre & María Huerta Arce (Lo Súper)) / Gwen Charles / David Farrán de Mora / Félix Fernández / Aitor Flores / Heather Fries / Ivana Larrosa / Marisa Maza / Carali McCall / Ildiko Meny / Amaia Molinet / Ruth Montiel Arias / Iván Pérez / Cristián Pietrapiana / Anna Recasens / Carlos Rivero / Ruth Somalo / Tatu Vuolteenaho/ Jody Wood / Jennifer Zackin
A video art show curated by Andrés Senra and Nicolás Dumit Estévez Raful Espejo Ovalles
May 26, 2022
Grace Exhibition Space, New York, NY
Co-Presented by Leslie-Lohman Museum of Art and Grace Exhibition Space
Curated by Nicolás Dumit Estévez Raful Espejo Ovalles
To visit program’s page click HERE
May 06, 2022 – June 11, 2022
Bronx River Art Center (BRAC), Bronx, NY
Participating Artists: Nao Bustamante, Carmelita Tropicana, and Marga Gomez
Curated by: Bronx-based artist Nicolás Dumit Estévez Raful Espejo Ovalles
To visit program’s page click HERE / To watch interview with Mao Bustamante, Gary Axelbank, and Nicolás click HERE
Noche Ritual
February 26th, 2021
Participating artists: Maggie Ens, Luke Dixon, Lisette Morel, Anna Costa e Silva, Quintín Rivera Toro, LuLu LoLo, Elia Alba, Jennifer Zackin and Adolfo Ibanez Ayerve, Linda Sibio, Jean Marie Casbarian, Ikpemesi Ogundare, Ed Woodham, Frances Valesco, Linda Mary Montano, Luis Lara Malvacías, Melanie DewBerry, Erika deVries, Limber Vilorio, Charo Oquet, Ana Paula Cordeiro, Billy X. Curmano, Anna Recasens, Jean-Ulrick Désert, Dulcina Abreu, Rhina Valentin, and Francheska Alcántara
Orgined by Nicolás Dumit Estévez Raful Espejo
To watch video archive click HERE
Whose Language Does the Produce Speak? Conversations Between La Boqueria and Essex Street Market
Artists Alliance Inc. / Cuchifritos Gallery and Project Space, New York, NY
Aug 6 - Sep 3 2018
Artists: Bernat Daviu and Joana Roda Calvet, Alicia Grullón, Enrique Figueredo, Antonia Pérez, Laia Solé and Thelma García, and Harley Spiller
Curator: Nicolás Dumit Estévez Raful
To visit exhibition’s page click HERE /
As Far as the Heart Can See
September 21–November 17, 2018
Elizabeth Foundation Project Space, New York, NY
Nao Bustamante
Billy X. Curmano, Irina Danilova & Project 59
Beatrice Glow
Ivan Monforte
Linda Mary Montano
Praxis (Delia & Brainard Carey)
Beth Stephens & Annie Sprinkle
and Martha Wilson & Franklin Furnace Archive
Curated by Nicolás Dumit Estévez Raful
Curatorial Fellow JP-Anne Giera
To visit program’s page click HERE / To read the exhibition’s click HERE
Art in Odd Places 2017: SENSE / New York, NY
October 12-15, 2017
ARTISTS: Manuel Acevedo | Yasi Alipour | Arantxa Araujo | Soledad Arias | Jan Baracz | Liene Bosque | Matt Bua | Nat Castañeda | Center for Book Arts | Natacha Clitandre | Josué Guarionex Colón-Rosado | Pepe Coronado | Anna Costa E. Silva | Billy X. Curmano | Irina Danilova with Project 59| Jean-Ulrick Désert | Erika deVries | Maggie Ens | Ayana Evans | Lady K Fever | Enrique Figueredo | Charley Friedman | Wojciech Gilewicz | Beatrice Glow | Monika Goetz | Rory Golden | Alicia Grullón | Donna Henes | Luis Lara Malvacías and Jeremy Nelson | Frida Larios | Naomi Lawrence | Michelle Young Lee | LuLu LoLo | Ricardo Miranda Zúñiga | Linda Mary Montano with Laura Byrne and Christine Finley | Shervone Neckles | Antonia Pérez | Jenny Polak | Mark Power | Praxis (Delia & Brainard Carey) | Quintín Rivera Toro | Clarivel Ruiz | Maximiliano Siñani | Laia Solé and Thelma García | Suran Song | Elizabeth Stephens and Annie Sprinkle | Eliza Swann with the Golden Dome School | ART&COM (Thiago Szmrecsányi & Natalia de Campos) with Tracy & Toya | Justin Randolph Thompson | Mary Ting | Denise Treizman | Jason Villegas | Alisha Wessler | Chin Chih Yang | Jennifer Zackin and Adolfo Ibáñez Ayerve | Marcus Zilliox
Curated by Nicolás Dumit Estévez Raful with Rocío Aranda-Alvarado (El Museo del Barrio) and Jodi Waynberg (Artists Alliance Inc)
To access a press release for the event click HERE / To visit the program’s website click HERE / Ro read an interview with Billy X Curmano and Nicolás click HERE
Recetas y Gangas: The Essex Street Market Recordings
An audio Installation by Ricardo Miranda Zúñiga
Exterior of Essex Street Market at 120 Essex Street NY, NY 10002
Curated by Nicolás Dumit Estévez Raful for Artists Alliance Inc. / Cuchifritos Gallery and Project Space, New York, NY
To visit the installation’s page as well as to listen to the audio piece click HERE
Enacting the Text: Performing with Words
Autumn of 2016
Center for Book Arts, New York, NY
Artists included: Maria Alós, Josefina Báez, Paco Cao, Papo Colo, Billy X. Curmano, Irina Danilova, Jean-Ulrick Désert, Lesley Dill, Coco Fusco, Beatrice Glow, Alicia Grullón, Guerilla Girls, Pablo Helguera, Nancy Hwang, Alison Knowles, LuLu LoLo, Linda Mary Montano, Pat Oleszko, Pedro Pietri, Praxis (Brainard and Delia Carey), Quintin Rivera-Toro, Jack Smith, Elizabeth M. Stephens and Annie Sprinkle, Cecilia Vicuña, and Martha Wilson.
Curator: Nicolás Dumit Estévez Raful Espejo
To read Hyperallergic’s review click HERE / To learn more about the exhibition’s publication click HERE
Lettuce, Artichokes, Red Beets, Mangoes, Broccoli, Honey and Nutmeg: The Essex Street Market as Collaborator / The Essex Street Market as Collaborator
February 26 - March 27, 2016
Artists Alliance Inc. / Cuchifritos Gallery and Project Space, New York, NY
Artists: Laia Solé, Antonia Pérez, Ricardo Miranda Zúñiga, Mary Ting, Beatrice Glow, and Harley Spiller
Curator: Nicolás Dumit Estévez Raful
To visit project’s page click HERE / To read exhibition’s essay click HERE
PLAYING WITH FIRE: Political Interventions, Dissident Acts, and Mischievous Actions
Summer of 2015
El Museo del Barrio, New York, NY
Participating artists: ADAL, Manuel Acevedo, Maris Bustamante, Nao Bustamante, Papo Colo, Abigail DeVille, Alejandro Diaz, Adonis Flores, Ester Hernández, Javier Hinojosa (b. 1956, México, D.F.) with the collaboration of Melquiades Herrera (Mexico, D.F., 1949-2003), Jessica Kairé, Carlos Jesus Martinez Dominguez, Ricardo Miranda Zúñiga, Carlos Ortíz, Pedro Pietri, Jesús Natalio Puras Penzo (APECO), Quintín Rivera Toro, Juan Sánchez.\
The exhibition, as part of El Museo’s Carmen Ana Unanue gallery is guest curated by Nicolás Dumit Estévez
To access the exhibition’s press release click HERE / To visit the exhibition’s page Click HERE / Catlogue
March 13, 2011
Institute for Art, Religion and Social Justice at Union Theological Seminary in the City of New York
Artists: Gina Athena Ulysses, Van Jeanty, Josefina Báez, and Shaun Leorando
Curator: Nicolas Dumit Estevez
To view program’s page click HERE
Born Again: A Lebanese Dominican is Born again as a Bronxite
June 1-August 3, 2011
Longwood Art Gallery/Bronx Council on the Arts
Artists: Michael Paul Britto / Kathleena Howie-García (Lady k-Fever) / Nancy Hwang & wowe / Melissa Gira & Norene Leddy / Ivan Monforte / Linda Mary Montano
Curator: Nicolás Dumit Estévez
For New York Times review click HERE / For Hemispheric Institute essay click HERE
En Castellano and in Other Languages / Video Artists from Andalucía and the Bronx
June 1-August 3, 2011
Longwood Art Gallery/Bronx Council on the Arts
Artists: Nicky Enright / Amparo Garrido / Valeriano López / Laura Napier / Juan Carlos Robles / Christopher Smith
Curators: Juan Ramón Barbancho, and Nicolás Dumit Estévez
In-House a program part of Action Actual
Summer of 2011
El Museo del Barrio, New York , NY
Artists: Migdalia Barens Vera / Nao Bustamante / Brained Carey and Delia Bajo (Praxis) / Susana Cook, Beatrice Glow / Adonis Flores / Marianela Orozco
Curator: Nicolás Dumit Estévez
The Love a Commuter Project / A series of actions throughout New York City’s subway systems
February 2002
Curators: María Alós, and Nicolás Dumit Estévez
A full list of participating artists coming up soon
For Instagram posting on this project click HERE
The Love a Commuter Project / A series of actions throughout New York City’s subway systems
February 2003
Presented as part of El Museo del Barrio’s The S Files, New York, NY
Curators: María Alós, and Nicolás Dumit Estévez
A full list of participating artists coming up soon
For Instagram posting on this project click HERE / For link to publication click HERE
Vive tu Carnaval
Summer of 1982
Casa de Arte Santiago, Dominican Republic
Curators: Arvedit’s Polanco and Nicolás Dumit Estévez Raful