If We May Ask
© 2020 NDERE
I ponder on the implications of the possibility that we might hold answers to most of our own personal questions. But, how would this speak to the hundreds of thousands of miles people continue to journey in search of responses? It could well be that all of this external walking, riding, rowing and flying is not as excessive or in vain as it appears when we consider the internal distances we sometimes have to travel in order to retrieve messages from our inner oracles.
If We May Ask allows you to pose a question that you would like to constellate together, using a process that makes room for the hidden, forgotten, suppressed messages of ancestors, places, and the unnamed to emerge, and provide different perspectives to your quest. This offering underlines our connection to all of those who have brought us to the here and now in which we find ourselves, from relatives who did not make it to the main story of our family and have been pushed into oblivion to those who have played central roles in our narrative. If We May Ask can take from one hour to three hours per session, depending on its natural unfolding.
I studied Systemic Family Constellation with Suzi Tucker, who learned this from Bert Hellinger, who learned this, in part, from the Zulu peoples. It is my intention to acknowledge its source in Africa and to use the threads of this practice that I have been able to access with all respect and understanding that its format might have morphed and changed as it traversed cultures, countries, and continents.