Interdependent Study
© 2020 NDERE
During this yearlong offering I embark with you, as a guide, on an in depth creative undertaking that is calling you. This can comprise a subject informing your praxis in general, or we may focus on a very specific question that you would like to investigate holistically. The Interdependent Study entails engaging with one’s whole person and body, and taking into consideration thinking that goes beyond one’s intellect to include heart, stomach, knees, feet, to name a few. It also points to the concept of interbeing, as articulated and embodied by Thich Nhat Hanh, referring to a state of connectedness to All; and to Fritjof Capra’s and Pier Luigi Luisi’s The Systems View of Life, an understanding of life as a series of non-linear, interconnecting networks.
We meet once a month, for a year, to go over questions that you may have, progress with your research, and to discuss how you might be bringing this in conversation with life, communities, and Earth. My guiding style is that of a generalist so, in the process of going in one direction, you might find yourself taking some unexpected detours. Unlike in most academic settings, as part of the Interdependent Study, no subject of inquiry is out of the question. The exception to this is anything harmful to you, others or the Earth.