We Write Our Own Stories
© 2020 NDERE
Spoken words can be easily conceived of as ephemeral, unless archived in stone, on paper, audio-recorded or, nowadays, typed on a screen. Word by word is how the myths that inform who we continue to become are sculpted. Words and their representation as symbols are also how we have inherited the stories of who we might be, or actively pursue rewriting narratives of our own. Words can subjugate or liberate others or ourselves, and for this reason they call us to handle them with compassionate honesty and utmost kindness.
We Write Our Own Stories works as a one hour offering during which paper and pencil are used to converse with the open ended prompts to which we are invited to respond. I combine Writing for Wellness, a method I was initiated into by Julie Davey, with somatic exercises with the intention of undertaking writing as a fully embodied process. In this regard, paper and pencil, even if temporarily, extend ourselves out into space and allow us to access valuable insights. We write for wellness, restoration, guidance, forgiveness, to retrieve ourselves from imposed histories and, hence, to remember and to re-member the many parts of our lives and who we might truly be.
Have paper, drawing and writing supplies at hand. Offering geared towards individuals and small groups.