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The Salon Welcomes Isa Yehya to Our Team


Born and raised in New York City, Isabel Yehya is a third-year Critical and Visual Studies student at Pratt Institute. Within the Critical and Visual Studies program, she has developed both a theoretical and creative foundation centered around philosophy, psychoanalysis, art and film history, critical theory, and postcolonial feminist theory. Working towards completing a minor in Cinema Studies, she hopes to focus her senior thesis on feminist horror aesthetics in film, music, video games, and art. Her long term goal in both the academic and art world is to work with traditional art and film institutions in reimagining their permanent collections and transitioning from being a monument of an obsolete history of art -- linear and dominated by European male “geniuses” -- into a more inclusive and diverse space. Isabel now works as an intern with Nicolás and The Interior Beauty Salon, as well as the Franklin Furnace Event Archives of Variable Media Art.

Photo: Courtesy of Isa Yehya

Isa Yehya: IG / Facebook