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Indecencia [Reseña] / Written By Laura Rivera-Ayala for The Latinx Project

Las Yeguas del Apocalipsis / Francisco Casas y Pedro Lemebel / Gone with the AIDS

Presented at the Chilean-French Institute of Culture, Santiago, Chile, November 29, 1989 Documentation: Mario Vivado

The exhibition Indecencia, curated by artist Nicolás Dumit Estévez at the Leslie-Lohman Museum, provides an aesthetic context inspired by Indecent Theology, a theoretical framework coined by Argentinean Marcella Althaus-Reid (1952–2009). In the words of the author:

“Indecent Theology is a theology which problematizes and undresses the mythical layers of multiple oppression in Latin America, a theology which, finding its point of departure at the crossroads of Liberation Theology and Queer Thinking, will reflect on economic and theological oppression with passion and imprudence.”

The curatorial proposal questions ideas around "latinidad" and its relationship to religion, enfleshment, and sexuality. This selection of Latinx artists prove that representation and reflection on the margins of gender identity and sexuality need not be condemned to secularism. Through a wide diversity of media in which ephemeral acts are the protagonists, the exhibition addresses themes regarding the performativity of desire and self-determination, the seemingly contradictory religious cultures in Latin America, and the possible atonement for the abundance of guilt and resentment we have inherited from different processes of colonization. 

To read the full essay in English click HERE

Para leer el ensayo completo en castellano hacer click AQUÍ

INDECENCIA Participating Artists: Luis A., Arantxa Araujo, Arthur Avilés, Nao Bustamante, Susana Cook, Anna Costa e Silva y Nina Terra, Jean-Ulrick Désert, Marga Gomez, Félix González Torres, Nadia Granados (La Fulminante), Noelia Quintero y Rita Indiana, Carlos Martiel, Carlos Leppe, Elizabeth “MACHA” Marrero, Iván Monforte, Gigi Otálvaro-Hormillosa, Charles Rice-González, Jesusa Rodríguez y Liliana Felipe, Carmelita Tropicana & Uzi Parnes & Ela Troyano, y Las Yeguas del Apocalipsis.

Curated by Nicolás Dumit Estévez Raful Espejo Ovalles

About Laura Rivera-Ayala:

Laura Rivera-Ayala obtuvo su bachillerato en Historia del arte en la Universidad de Puerto Rico, Río Piedras y una maestría en Administración de Artes en New York University. Ha trabajado en The Hispanic Society Museum & Library, Museo de Arte de Puerto Rico, The Mellon Foundation y proyectos curatoriales independientes. Laura is también fellow del National Association of Latino Arts and Cultures Leadership Institute 2021. Ha publicado en Caribbean Studies Association Journal, Visión Doble (UPR) y The Puerto Rico Review.

To learn more about The Latinx Project click HERE