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Rosamond S. King

The Interior Beauty Salon announces its November guest

A Q&I between Rosamond S. King and Nicolás To read the Q&I click HERE

Writer, performer, and artist Rosamond S. King is the author of poetry collections All the Rage and the Lambda Award-winning Rock Salt StoneHer writing has also been published in more than three dozen journals, blogs, and anthologies, including The Feminist WireHyperallergic, The Caribbean Writerand The New Daughters of Africa.

She draws on reality to create non-literal, culturally and politically engaged interpretations of African diaspora experiences. King’s performances have been curated into venues around the world, including the New York Metropolitan Museum, the VIVA! and Encuentro Festivals, Gibney, Dixon Place, Bocas LitFest, and the African Performance Art Biennial

King makes objects she calls books, and creates the irregular mail art series “Not-a-Blog.” She is also the author of Island Bodies: Transgressive Sexualities in the Caribbean Imagination, winner of the Caribbean Studies Association best book award. The goal of all of her work is to make people feel, wonder, and think, not necessarily in that order. A professor at Brooklyn College (CUNY), King is also creative editor of sx salon

Rosamond S King’s related links: webiste / Instagram / Vimeo