Conceived and taught by Nicolás Dumit Estévez Raful Espejo
July 10, 2021 / 12 Noon - 2:30 PM Eastern
To RSVP click HERE
Open to All
As part of this two and a half hour engagement, Nicolás initially guides the group to do some simple centering practices. He then invites attendees to immerse themselves in an open exploration of energy as it pertains to the body and how our hands may work assessing, modulating and treating this energy, but also intuiting it and manifesting it at a visual level through drawing. What is it that our hands can observe that words might not be able to fully describe? What are the colors, forms and patterns that our hands might come in contact with as they interact with our field of energy that they can render more closely through images rather oral or written language? Those part of The Eyes in My Hands will get to work in dyads, performing a full Therapeutic Touch treatment for each other and later using colored pencils, markers, watercolors— but preferable oil pastels (cray-pas)— to spend time individually to generate a post treatment drawing in silence. Attention is paid to unconscious messages received in regards to the body and in connection to the physical, emotional, mental, intuitional, and transpersonal fields. The retreat will close with a meditation and an opportunity for all to share. No drawing expertise required. Bring paper and drawing supplies.
Photo courtesy of Nicolás
To learn more about Therapeutic Touch International Association (TTIA) click HERE